Monday 13 March 2017



The flesh of the apple is light snow

The snow is falling, a yellowish white,
trees covered in fairy dust and
it feels light feather and its taste fresh water from a stream.
The skin is the autumn colours.
The darkness of the house a dark place in the woods
the bed comfy like warm weather and
cover up with a huge coat-like feather.
The flesh of the apple it's all snow
In my dream, don't eat the apple in case it's poison.
The skin is the autumn colours.

Rachel A Newing

From the project Sing me to Sleep  with arthur+martha and VšĮ Socialiniai meno projektai. Working with homeless people in Vilnius, Lithuania and Manchester, England. Creating a embroidered quilt, poems, audio pieces and other artwork. Supported in the UK by Arts Council EnglandThe Booth Centre and The Wellspring. 

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