Wednesday, 26 August 2009


what time is it?
it is she may ring by every star
she may not forever now
at home rather know
than feel and fell
pain it’s getting better
lovers tell

my daughter may ring
waiting home and fell waiting

someone came to me
saw me when
I fell
waiting for my daughter
what time is it?
it is she may ring by every star
she may not forever now

8 July 2009

This poem is part of the Patience project, for more information please visit

Friday, 21 August 2009

my eyes they view the afternoon (part 2)

The living day

my eyes they view the afternoon
but when I sleep the floor
try to get up my way
the image shouts
where am I going?
I woke through heavy sleep
in hospital my rest defeat
shadow’s form to ask
everything against your nature

Lynn Holt 1st July 2009

This poem is part of the Patience project, for more information please visit

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Gammy leg

started out cellulitis
like a rash creams and lotions managed
but you know how it goes
down the leg
on the foot
then they wanted to meet
can’t remember Christmas
my leg
could sit here and cry for eternity
wouldn’t put my leg back
occasionally I forget
going longer between spaces
I have phantom pains
like an itch a weird sensation
I want to scratch my foot
the foot’s not there
try to master mind over matter
can’t scratch phantom pains
sometimes it works
sometimes I still forget

Anonymous 8th July 2009

This poem is part of the Patience project, for more information please visit

My eyes they view the afternoon (part 1)

went down and that was it
going to make my Aunt a cup of tea
a cup of tea and went down to the floor
woke in hospital
try to get up
image shouts
where am I going?
different than a normal fall
try to get up , couldn’t shout or anything
don’t remember the brain scan
I woke through heavy sleep
in hospital my rest defeat
cry with aggravation
particularly in the early stages
can’t even get to your own wardrobe
have to ask for everything
shadow’s form to ask
everything against your nature
against your nature
always wanted to do things myself
accepted it more than to begin with
in terrible pain, chronic pain/relief
my eyes they view the afternoon
but when I sleep
get back to my Aunt
I care for and love
only the two of us
a normal quiet life, the living day.
Lynn Holt
1st July 2009

the old grenadiers

you’re 96 years
thy image
an old Grenadier

at my age seem to be past doing
but these particulars are not
my measure:
overthrow 3 bad falls

oh the old Grenadiers the servants, the soldier-servants
don’t create alarms
just keep idling away

red medal round my neck
in defeat
this day I forgot

lay on the floor to the weary night
though new-fangled ill
this old dog’s prouder still

Ron Miles (Curzon) 1st July 2009

This poem is part of the Patience project, for more information please visit

Thursday, 13 August 2009


with frustration
don't you listen?

why d'you do this?
cry with clenches

get up
from your wheelchair
God-forgotten prayers.

Jean Cheatham
1st July 2009

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


a stroke: it’s like freezing a piece of meat

waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting
a cancellation
put me back again
a slight stroke
couldn’t move my arm
so I lift it with the other one
don’t let it lie dead
rub the back of your hand
keep it going

and then it’s un-frozen

waiting and
try to keep moving
haul yourself
with a walking stick
to your exercises
tried, tired and knackered
they train you, so
if you fall in the house by yourself

but only in part and some remains

waiting and
trying to open the door
try to get to the phone
try to climb a step, up four inches
(one bad leg, two arms, nothing 100%)
terrifying thinking about it
don’t think, try to
get on, to stand

on ice.

24-31 July 2009

Friday, 7 August 2009

the speech therapist

when my love swears that she's truth
the words come down the wrong half
we can’t - we are – learning unlearned
I do believe her, though I know she lies
in the world's false subtleties
not the half, the other we will learn to speak
although she knows my days are past the best
helpless helpless, paralysed
I credit her false-speaking tongue
it’s coming spent, it’s half through
but wherefore says she is not, she is
hard to describe
therefore I lie with her, and she with me,
it’s half through, we hope it will


31st July 2009

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Come back come back come back

a simple question

put it this way
once you’re in these places
they expect you to stay
til you’re better

my own children took to walking straightway

my wife in hospital expecting a child
I walked there four times that day
morning, afternoon, evening
must’ve done 40 miles

now you can’t say I’ve been a lazy person so
far as walking is concerned

put it this way
what changes is you
are seeing four walls day in

came here with expectations
put in here, I plunged
to where I am

a simple question, a simple answer
me, wheelchair

lets put it again this way
opportunity is a fine thing

a fine thing is opportunity
a pint and a half of beer a day
my doctor recommended

recommended a little village green
fields, the pub, a walk
dig the allotment
active all my life’s apprenticeship

(walking in the wood at night
by the river way
it’d make a noise like:
come back come back come back
on the side
oh god aye
comes to life that does)

put in here and I’m idle, a passed buck

explain that to me straight
a straight punch
tell the doctors
they will be treated in their late life
like this.

Thomas Weston
31 July 2009


illness is change
not accepting
a throw of the dice
I’m OK/you're OK
I'm going to live
you too
will not abolish illness
don’t fight
allow it in
be alright here
they’re looking after heaven's latchkey
looking after all the time
a paradise
will not abolish
see them everyday
feel looked
down up/on
looked after
one of the most important things
I’m glad
Ive got
pair of dice, we
(mary margaret)
the wings to fly to heaven
well looked after
they’re doing their best
couldn’t wish a better
chance angel

Mary, Margaret
31st July 2009