Thursday 10 March 2011


The following poem was written by V, a participant in our 'map of you' group at the Booth Centre in Manchester.

get the bus and GO to the calm to the peaceful
know where I'm going to the lovely there
talking to country people chills me wakes me
it bores me the city the daily
I like to walk when the light's going I'm coming
home I know exactly where I'm coming back to
the smell the cold breezy air the sound
the sheep
thrush in the morning the same one that
wakes me
in the city it's stressful to me very cos you can't move in
that space you can't breathe everybody walks right through
you jumping from one side to the other panic attacks
back to the wall
got to go through to quiet draw a veil over them quiet
place in the cathedral where they know me they trust
me I think of it as sanctuary
the flock
thrush in the morning the same one that
wakes me

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